AndersonPlays Roblox [🗡️WAVES] Ability Wars - How To Get Defender And Showcase

2 years ago

Hi. I'm Anderson and this is AndersonPlays Roblox [🗡️WAVES] Ability Wars!

The Roblox Ability Wars Waves Update introduces the new Defender ability which can be obtained from the new Waves of zombies and skeletons that can randomly appear on the map. How to get Defender and how to get Defender Badge? If you luck out and are playing when Waves arrives, all you have to do is stay to the end of the Waves to earn the Defender Badge and Defender ability!

Using Defender, you can cycle through 4 different ability modes: Baller, Slicer, Archer, and Crusher. Baller and Archer give you ranged attacks, and Slicer and Crusher give you up close melee attacks.

Here is my gameplay for how to get Defender and the Defender showcase in Roblox Ability Wars:
0:00 Intro
0:20 How To Get Defender Ability At The End Of Waves
1:14 Defender Ability Showcase
1:33 Trying Out The Different Defender Ability Modes
1:52 Baller
2:03 Slicer
2:23 Baller
2:37 Slicer
2:50 Archer
3:28 Crusher
3:34 Looking At Different Avatar Faces With Each Defender Ability Mode
4:10 How Did That Guy Do A Spin Attack With Crusher?
5:42 Baller
6:25 Slicer
6:34 Archer
7:04 Crusher
7:37 Experimenting With The Different Defender Abilities
8:44 Outro

So what do you think of this new Defender Ability and each of its ability modes? What do you think of Baller, Slicer, Archer, and Crusher? Which is your favorite?

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#abilitywars #defenderbadge #defender

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