LTAMDS missile defense radar to handle hypersonic missiles #missiledefense #hypersonicmissile

2 years ago

Raytheon to upgrade LTAMDS missile-defense radar to handle advanced threats like hypersonic munitions. Missile defense experts at Raytheon Technologies Corp. will carry out upgrades and technology insertion to a new radar system to help defeat quickly evolving missile threats such as hypersonic weapons. Officials of the UNITED STATES army Contracting Command at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., announced a $122 million three-year contract Tuesday to the Raytheon Missiles & Defense segment in Andover, Mass., for the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS) pre-planned product improvement Increment III upgrades effort. Raytheon won a UNITED STATES Army contract in October 2019 to provide the next-generation LTAMDS advanced air and missile defense radar. LTAMDS is the next generation, 360-degree missile-defense radar that ultimately will replace the current UNITED STATES Army's Patriot missile radars. The radar has gallium nitride components, and is scheduled to reach initial operational capability with the Army in 2022. LTAMDS consists of a primary antenna array on the front of the radar, and two secondary arrays on the rear. The radar antennas work together to enable operators to detect and engage several threats simultaneously from any direction, ensuring there are no blind spots on the battlefield. The LTAMDS primary array is roughly the same size as the Patriot radar array, but provides more than twice Patriot's performance. While it is designed for the UNITED STATES Army's Integrated Air and Missile Defense system, LTAMDS will also be able to preserve previous Patriot investments. Raytheon is working with hundreds of suppliers across 42 states, including a core team playing a strategic role in building the LTAMDS solution. Orolia USA in Rochester, N.Y., for example, is providing the company's rugged SecureSync time and frequency system to supply positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) capability to the UNITED STATES Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor (LTAMDS) radar program. Crane Aerospace & Electronics in Lynnwood, Wash., is providing defense power systems for power control and conditioning for LTAMDS. Mercury Systems Inc. in Andover, Mass., is providing high-performance digital signal processing and RF solutions for LTAMDS. The US military plans for hypersonic missile defense are coming together. Tell us in the comments below what you think should be the best way for defending against hypersonic missiles. Until next time, take care.

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