Eyes On The Stars ... Weekly Vibes November 8th 2022

2 years ago

You Cannot Change a Problem By Supporting The System or Beliefs That Created The Problem Originally. We must begin to look deeply at ourselves and what we as individuals support through our beliefs, spending, and consumption.

This is what the planets are doing now; they are applying pressure to wake us up to our ignorance and dismissive natures. We must begin to see that we are the problem, and yes, we are continuously supporting the problem by participating in the game of continued consumption, waste and excess; our world resources are under threat., and yes, we will all feel the price we are now paying, due to excess greed, our greed as individuals when enough is not enough and when we can never feel satisfied and believe we need more and more and more.

It's a harsh wake-up call, but here we all are in the belly of the whale, seeing just how much we have allowed our compulsion to take over our sensibilities.

This week focus your Energy on precisely who you are in this picture and what you can do about it as an individual, what you value and stand for, take the picture wide and see how much it impacts the greater whole.

Whenever we take on a belief or action, it affects someone or something else. It's all connected.

The planet wants us to become super conscious, to see how we can now become the solution by refusing to play the old games and insisting that the game changes for the greater good of our planet.

Be the change ... Not the problem. Open your Heart, Open your Mind, Open your Eyes, Open your Ears. It's time to Open to a more profound awareness.
One we have not encountered in our lifetime.

Peace and Love

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