2 years ago

Contrary to what the talking heads on CNBC will tell you, the engine that really drives America forward is not Facebook, Google, or Goldman Sachs. Rather, it is the small businesses of our country that power our economy. Small businesses supply about half of the jobs in the United States.

But the last couple of years has been rough for our nation’s small businesses. As the pandemic unfolded, small businesses were utterly annihilated while their big business competitors received billions in government money and experienced record cash flows. Compare, for instance, Amazon’s 2021 revenues to your mom-and-pop restaurant that was not allowed to operate because of lockdowns which ultimately forced them into bankruptcy.

Even though the pandemic is now (finally) behind us, the situation for America’s small companies remains awful. Those small businesses that were fortunate enough to survive the lockdowns endorsed by authoritarian politicians are now being crushed by record inflation, a global energy crisis, record gas prices at home, supply chain disruptions, and a massive labor shortage.

So what should we be doing to help out our incredible small businesses, which are the cornerstone of our economy? Ashton explains

#politics #economy #smallbusiness

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