Ur Iraq, Sumerian city state of ancient Mesopotamia

2 years ago

Some Local History is Explored during a visit to the Ziggurat. It is estimated Ur was the largest city in the world from 2030-1980 BCE, with approximately 65,000 people. Between the 24th and 22nd century BCE, Ur was controlled by Sargon the Great, of the Akkadian Empire. After the fall of this empire, Ur was ruled by the barbarian Gutians, until King Ur-Nammu came to power, circa 2047 – 2030 BCE (the Third Dynasty of Ur). Advances during this time included the building of temples, like the Ziggurat, better agricultural irrigation, and a code of laws, called the Code of Ur-Nammu, which preceded the Code of Hammurabi by 300 years.

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