How Conventional Medicine Kills, and What to Do About It, A Interview With Dr. Leland Stillman - October 19, 2022.

2 years ago

Joseph Mercola - November 06, 2022

In this interview, Dr. Leland Stillman discusses his new book, “Dying to be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It.” He shares his views on both the conventional and alternative health care systems, and how an entirely new health care system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing disease.

Stillman’s Background

“I grew up in a very conventional family,” Stillman says. His mother recalls him being a healthy, happy baby until his first round of vaccines, after which he became fussy, suffering from frequent colds and ear infections. His sister also suffered adverse effects from her childhood vaccines, which prompted his mother to seek alternative medical solutions.

“Over my childhood and teenage years, I remember going to homeopaths, dowsers, CranioSacral therapists; I mean, everybody and anybody. We did cupping, which is a Southeast Asian medical practice. We tried a lot of things. We tried supplements and herbs and all kinds of weird stuff. I thought it was fascinating.

My dad thought it was total hocus pocus … Anyway, I became fascinated by health … I gravitated towards a naturopath who was a very old-school, self-taught, never went to official school, never had a diploma from a real, four-year institution … He did muscle testing, energy healing and all this stuff. I saw real value in what he did.

In retrospect, I always wonder how much of that was placebo and how much was real, but I can’t know that and, to a certain extent, I don’t care. What I learned was that there’s a lot of value in natural medicine, and there’s a lot of corruption in the conventional world …

At the end of the day, what really made me how I am is that I had all of these competing viewpoints in my life. I had conventional medicine that my dad wanted us to do — he still gets the flu shot and he got at least four [COVID] shots.

My mother is very alternative and integrative, but very much splits the difference. She got intimidated into getting two doses of Moderna, until she saw the light and realized this was a total scam. So I grew up in both worlds, and that forced me to think …

What really works, what matters, and what should we be doing? … It’s painful to watch people ignore the gradual devolution of American health, which is what my book is about and why I wrote it.”



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