The Final Act is About to Begin - Part 1 of 2

2 years ago

We live in a world gone crazy. Jesus spoke of a time … that was so frightening … men would faint for fear of what was about to happen …. We can find that scripture in Luke 21: 25-26.

Prophetic readings in the New Testament suggests … that these are the next three events ahead of us:
The Rapture of the Church… (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18)
The Worldwide Apostasy… (2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3a)
The Rise of the Antichrist … (2 Thessalonians 2: 3b-4)

This message examines what the Bible says about the rise, reign and ruin of the AntiChrist. It addresses "what" he is and what to expect, and the signs of his coming.

Part 2 looks at what we as believers need to be doing at this time, in preparing for the days ahead.

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