Is the truth exposing the judas goats. Old Guard advice.

2 years ago

If we can lead them out of darkness, then I for one will continue to record my efforts over the decades I have been labelled Mentally Ill for exposing Agenda 21 and talking of conspiracies.

Once free I knew I had to expose those who still steer the lambs to the slaughter, Judas goats who speak 99% truth and 1% lies.
Lies that ultimately discredit you in the eyes and minds of all which puts you out of their hearts. Time to recover.

Sit back and relax as 'an old man with a beard' shares his 'little' understanding.

You made it this far, do you want to go further, then I have more records available.
All CrappoCrappo Productions but I could save you years.

Much L❤ve


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