Soul Charted Incarnations vs. Control Freaks

2 years ago

Everyone who is a control freak, raise your hand! I freely admit to being a control freak, but I have come to realize I can't control everything I would like to, much to my annoyance. As I mention in the short video below, I'm begrudgingly becoming more Taoist with age...and am learning to go with the flow of the river and all that. Quite frankly, there have been times when I've had seemingly zero choice but to let go and float toward whatever fate had in store for me. I've had to put duct tape on my life raft too, more than once, but I've never drowned.

I've gotten into disagreements with friends who are convinced they can create their reality and control fate. Nope. It hasn't worked and I've witnessed it numerous times. Then they sometimes blame themselves while saying that you CAN control your reality, but their flawed selves let doubts sneak in and it was their fault things didn't work out as they'd planned, visioned, chanted, etc. That is a HORRIBLE aspect of the whole New Age movement. To lay that kind of guilt on people is awful. I fully believe, and the man's near death experience video I'm going to link below seems to prove, that our incarnations are indeed charted. Fate is real. Now, that being said, he also had an experience during his NDE where he could pull a gear out of a truckload of interconnected gears and throw it away, which would then cause all of the other gears to have to shift and realign, but that doesn't mean he was totally able to prevent certain things from happening if they needed to happen. So, yes, we do have free will in terms of making choices, but I'm convinced that even if we veer off our assigned path...things will realign to get us back onto our yellow brick road as we head to Oz. I've witnessed that happen in my own life. We end up behind schedule due to veering off the proper path, but eventually we start walking in the right direction. Now, that may mean that it'll take other lives to finish the journey since we are behind schedule at that point, but spirit and our souls have all the time in the world...this one, and other worlds.

Here is the life changing near death experience video I just "happened" to have pop up in my YouTube suggested list last night. This man's NDE story and what he learned while being in the "in between" will stay with me forever. I think everyone should see this true experience. Watch with an open mind. I like what he said about atheists. From my experience with atheists, many of them are very high quality people who live their lives in a more loving way that others who profess to be religious. They are kind of spiritual without realizing it. Shhhhhh! Don't say anything! ;-)

This is from The Other Side NDE channel.

Here's my blog post with this and a little more.

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