CHEMTRAIL FLIGHTS in action video-graphed from above them in the skies. #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

CHEMTRAIL FLIGHTS in action video-graphed from above them in the skies...
Watch Ch*mtrails in Making?!?!?! "THIS IS HOW IT'S SPRAYED"

Proof: Video of Ch*mtrail plane from department "Project Indigo Skyfold"

CH*MTRAILS are a way to control weather, agriculture yields, rain, drought, MIND CONTROL (using some neuro-chemicals)...

More about Ch*mTrails... (also read on how to measure the strength of Ch*mtrails in your area)

An insider UA Air Force pilot claims to fly aerosol tankers, as part of a secret geo-engineering aerosol, "Ch*mtrails" program called Indigo Skyfold.

The clip calls special attention to: a new, radioactive, "extremely toxic" Ch*mtrail brew, that is being sprayed using a new technology, that makes these new Ch*mtrails "completely invisible." for most part.

Those who have Geiger Counters, with alpha/beta probes, can test the aerosol fallout, now and then again, after January 20, 2015.

The advice given here, as the best way to test the aerosols, is to wipe down your car hood and windshield with a clean paper towel, after a dry period of heavy spraying. Then, with the Geiger Counter, test the towel for alpha and beta radiation. This is especially important in California, which has no natural radiation sources, upwind.

This video has been denbunked by, a site which retired Air Force Environmental Hygiene Specialist, Kristen Meghan has referred to as the ultimate anti-Ch*mtrail hoax site. This site is also a COINTELPRO operation.

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