NEW YORKERS Disrupt speech of vote grabber NY top cop 5th Nov

2 years ago

NEW YORKERS Disrupt speech of vote grabber NY top cop 5th Nov

When career criminals go free, they commit more crime. Fuck Attorney General Peekaboo James. She ain't no body!!! These demonrats pretend like they are tough on crime. Her future cell mate, Hochul, wonders why crime is ''so important'' to debate about!!!

The storm is coming for you T!sh.

You'll get washed out.

We're gonna drop the hammer on you.

God's taking you off world.

We're done with your mandates. They are not laws. And you call yourself a lawyer...

I call you a dead woman. Come get my home protection device. Everybody should have a weapon in NYC.

She said nothing when the mandates forced business owners into the act of discrimination and segregation.

If lawmakers spent 2020/21 forcing a vax and shutdown rules, they will die in prison.

Those incumbents who pushed the Pfizer company line will ALSO be forced off the streets and down to Gitmo.

Arrest Peekaboo James. Give We the People her head.

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