Replay: Functional Medicine for Nurses - Spring 2023 Enrollment

2 years ago

ICYMI! Replay of Functional Medicine for Nurses

Enrollment is now OPEN for Spring!
Link to enroll:

The mentorship program will begin 1/13/23. Enrollment deadline is 12/15, however spots fill up quickly and space is limited.

Click below to secure your spot today 👇

In this program you will learn:

👉Functional medicine and how to efficiently apply these concepts to your practice

👉How to set up a successful practice

👉How to make personalized wellness plans for your clients

👉Optimal ranges for diagnostic testing, functional testing and how to incorporate testing into your practice

👉New techniques to fine tune your assessment skills

👉How to set up a successful practice

👉How to sign clients

👉Receive your very own practitioner toolkit with all of the tools and forms to get you started in private practice! Including forms such as legal, assessment, intake, dietary guides, client handouts and much more! This program will benefit any nurse who is seeking a holistic alternative to the current conventional medical model.

This program will benefit any nurse who is seeking a holistic alternative to the current conventional medical model.

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