Trump HİNTS at RETURN to PRESİDENCY:“In order to make country successful, safe and glorious again”

2 years ago

Trump Hints at Return to Presidency
Trump discussed his first two bids for the White House and hinted at a third in a recent speech,
stating “In order to make our country successful, safe and glorious again, I will probably have to
do it again.”
The carefully chosen "probably" in Trump's stump speech may soon go. As Trump attempts to
take advantage of anticipated Republican victories to advance himself toward becoming the
front-runner for his party's nomination, aides to the former president are quietly making
preparations for a 2024 presidential campaign that could be launched soon after next week's
midterm elections.
Reince Priebus, Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff, stated “I’m like 95% he’s going to
run,” said, “The real question,” he added, “is are other big challengers going to run? If President
Trump runs, he will be very difficult for any Republican to defeat.”

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