Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - God and His Wife. Religion in Pre-Christianity

2 years ago

From: Barbara DeLong

Night-Light welcomes Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince to share their new book with all of us. 'When God had a wife' is an amazing book and fills in a lot of blank spaces for those of us who would like more answers as to the beginning of the Major religions and before they became main stream. They address how Judaism originally had more than one much-loved goddess, and how they very nearly lost her – but not quite – and how she resurfaced in early Christianity in rather unlikely form…
LYNN PICKNETT and CLIVE PRINCE have worked together on non-fiction books about religious and historical mysteries for over 25 years. Their most influential book – so far - is The Templar Revelation (1997, revised 2007), which was a major inspiration for The Da Vinci Code – indeed, they were given cameos in the movie. A major theme of their work has always been the suppression, but persistence of the Sacred Feminine, and now they present their most explosive evidence for the lost goddess in both Sacred Feminine and Christianity in their latest book, When God Had A Wife: The Fall and Rise of the Sacred Feminine In the Judeo-Christian Tradition.

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Lynn Picknett - Secret History of Lucifer
Lynn Picknett - Mary Magdalene: Christianity’s Hidden Godess
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Masks of Christ. Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

"The Templar Revelation",-Clive-Prince---The-Templar-Revelation.-Secret-Guardians-of-the-Identity-of-Christ:f

"Jesus the Usurper" -,-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince - The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus
Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley - The Mandaeans: Ancient Texts and Modern People
Andrew Philip Smith - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History of the Mandaeans
G.R.S. Mead - Gnostic John the Baptizer: Selections from the Mandaean John-Book
E.S. Drower - Secret Adam: A Study of Nasoraean Gnosis

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