Political Emails, Comments, Posts - No Pandemic or Any Kind of Amnesty, None

2 years ago

Sorry The Atlantic but there will be absolutely no amnesty given. What reason is there for it? Especially with the following comments and posts shown here from the likes of these comments on Yahoo along with the rhetoric from the likes of Sarah Silverman? Sarah Silverman, Rob Reiner and them are really the worst and just give more reasons as to why amnesty should not be given and what should happen is that national divorce. Especially because of those like Sarah, Rob along with others like Ken Jeong and all their whining about seeing Rudy Guiliani on The Masked Singer and all their support for Covid tyranny as it didn't affect them. It doesn't matter that cancer isn't contagious Mr. Jeong, still no reason to shut down the country over some lab created, manmade virus. Obviously this group Senate Conservative Fund has their own agenda but their email wasn't so cancerous and tackled some decent points, they sent out the same email with an Amnesty for Fauci headline. These groups in general have their own agendas. Not even 35 cents let alone 35 dollars. I certainly won't forgive or forget any of this and that ship has set sailed very far. What reason is there to any of this when you have people still doing the following where they wish death on you among other heinous actions? Yeah, it doesn't work like that. Not to mention all these people whining about Elon among other things. There will be no amnesty or forgiveness anytime soon. Especially with the likes of Sarah Silverman, Rob Reiner, BrooklynDad, Keith Olbermann, Molly Jong Fast, Tara Dublin, Robert Reich, Scott Dworkin and several, several others. After they demanded you be fired from your jobs, lose everything among all else? Yeah, forget it. The fact that Ms. Silverman is sharing bullshit from Eric Swalwell who openly threatened nukes on people should be a huge giveaway. Not to mention her penchant to regurgitate overused talking points like the mouthpiece she is. Just keep all this in mind whenever you have those types of folks like that writer from The Atlantic. Just reading through all those stupid emails that are sent out gives a glimpse of what they really think of each other and why it's better to just have a national divorce. Conformity isn't unity. Not to mention all the crazy woke social justice warriors and company that still love to throw death and intimidation threats, celebrate deaths of detractors, schadenfreude moments among so many other things which is just several more reasons to never forgive or forget for what was done. It's no different than the environment one was exposed to in K-12 with the student body, faculty, school staff and more. Forget it, the damage has been done. Not to mention them still demanding you be disarmed, locked down and much more. So much more could be said.

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Disclaimer: As said before, more rantings, ramblings and opinions from a random soul angry at the world and the audacity that these folks have to ask for amnesty and whatnot. I may be eligible to earn from the following recommendations.

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