Why is it important for young people to get vaccinated? | Hip Hop Public Health (Mar. 2022)

1 year ago

This video was published on March 30th, 2022. This is more than a year after anyone with at least a half functioning brain who cared to look at the data, could see that the jabs don't reduce transmission and even seem to lead to more transmission.

Telling people to get vaxxed to protect others and achieve herd immunity can therefore only be true medical misinformation. However, at the time of writing, this video is still up on YouTube. Why? Because it's not about truth and public health, but about increasing vaccine uptake (and other motives).

The jabs are said to reduce the COVID risk to person who got jabbed, but the statistical risk to healthy young people (who are the target audience of this specific piece propaganda) was near-absent to begin with. Therefore, the absolute risk reduction (which is the only kind of risk reduction that matters), can only be near-absent.

In contrast, the risk of known and unknown negative side-effects can be enormous.

Young people are instructed not to trust the rumors that the jab doesn't work. That the vaxxed are still getting sick (again and again and again) must be conspiracy theories.

Hip Hop Public Health

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_M5hBRsXLI

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