Jesus the Sorcerer. Magic in Early Christianity. By Robert Conner

2 years ago

The very notion of Jesus being a sorcerer runs so against the grain of the Western cultural myth that even non-Christians are likely to find it far-fetched or even vaguely disturbing. Nevertheless, scholars steadily accumulated evidence for magical practices in the New Testament throughout much of the 20th century. Despite the arguments of Orthodoxy, the truth is that magic soaked early Christianity, even beyond the Gnostics. Before that, Judaism was also a vast landscape of sorcery that heavily copied Egyptian mysticism. We survey the magical cosmos of early Christianity, from their rituals that summoned dangerous angels and raised the dead, all the way to their magicians that included Jesus of Nazareth.

Robert Conner at Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio, March 2014: "Magic In Christianity"

Conner, Robert - Jesus the Sorcerer.
Conner, Robert - Magic in Christianity: From Jesus to the Gnostics.
Conner, Robert - Magic in the New Testament.
Conner, Robert - The Secret Gospel of Mark
Smith, Morton - Jesus the Magician: A renowned historian reveals how Jesus was viewed by people of his time
Scott G. Brown: Mark’s Other Gospel: Rethinking Morton Smith’s Controversial Discovery (Studies in Christianity and Judaism)
Richard A. Horsley - Jesus and Magic
Smith, Andrew Phillip - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History of the Mandaeans

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