How to make quick decisions

2 years ago

Sometimes, your goal shouldn't be to make the most effective possible choice, but to arrive at a reasonable decision in a short amount of time. This is crucial in certain situations for instance, if you are prone to putting off even the simplest decisions, or if you hold off on making decisions for too long that you end up with significant negative consequences for you.

There are a variety of methods you can use to help you make better decisions.

Your gut instinct is your most trusted friend. The term "intuition" is commonly known as your gut instinct. These types of decisions are generally quicker than ones that are based on conscious thinking.

Use heuristics. You can use heuristics to accelerate your decision-making process. For example, if you often need to choose between several possible solutions it is possible to always rely on the principle of parsimony in these instances, and thus choose the simplest option that's available.

Set up routines that simplify your decision making. To reduce time and avoid having to make the same decision every time You could establish a consistent routine for what clothing or food items you purchase. This could be helpful in addition to the choices you make in your routine, but also for other decisions. By reducing the number that you must make it frees up your cognitive resources, and you can concentrate on the most important choices.

Create if-then plans for decision making. For example, if you already know that you're going to be presented with a good default option in a certain scenario by someone you trust, you could choose to stick with the option instead of considering all options.

Limit how much information you consume. Instead of processing and gathering all the available information make sure you focus on the most important information that you need. A useful rule of thumb you can apply is the 80/20 rule which suggests that a small amount of information available to you will cover most of what you need to know.

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