Interrogatio Iohannis, or - The Secret Supper. A Gnostic Text from the Cathars and Bogomils

2 years ago

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by "GnositcByChoice" Oct 15, 2020
The Interrogatio Johannis, or The Secret Supper, is a New Testament apocryphon that purports to reproduce a confidential conversation between the apostle John and Jesus during the Last Supper. It denies that the world was created by God and attributes the creation to Satan. Theologically, the work is strongly Bogomilic, incorporating older apocryphal materials. This doctrine is probably rooted in the Gnostic concept of the demiurge and is related to the problem of theodicy. Christians are disciples of John the Baptist, but baptism is useless. Sacrificial duty is commanded by Satan just like the Mosaic laws. One of the characteristics of this scripture is that it puts quotations from the Old Testament, which God speaks there, into Satan's mouth. The writing is found as evidence in the Inquisition files of Carcassonne. An added note states that the Cathar bishop Nazarius brought this work to southern France from Bulgaria in 1190. The writing, in its present Latin form, was not written before the 12th century.


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