Was Jesus a Sorcerer? Magic in Early Christianity. With Robert Conner

2 years ago

By Mystic N Skeptic April 05, 2017. https://www.buzzsprout.com/84561/497546-jesus-the-sorcerer-part-l-with-robert-conner

Early Christians were accused of practicing magic by Jews, pagans, and other Christians. The real Jesus, only barely glimpsed because of a campaign of disinformation, obfuscation, and censorship by religious authorities, was not Jesus the Son of God. In actuality he was Jesus the Magician. The very notion of Jesus being a sorcerer runs so against the grain of the Western cultural myth that even non-Christians are likely to find it far-fetched or even vaguely disturbing. Nevertheless, scholars steadily accumulated evidence for magical practices in the New Testament throughout much of the 20th century. It is that ever expanding body of knowledge that has made the books of Robert Conner possible.

Robert Conner studied Greek, Hebrew, some Aramaic and even Coptic back in the mid-70's at Western Kentucky University. He's written nine books, including Jesus the Sorcerer, and the latest on The Secret Gospel of Mark, as well as a number of articles and essays. https://mandrake.uk.net/tag/robert-conner/

Conner, Robert - Jesus the Sorcerer
Conner, Robert - Magic in the New Testament
Conner, Robert - Secret Gospel of Mark
Conner, Robert - Apparitions of Jesus
Conner, Robert - Magic in Christianity

Helen Ingram: Jesus, a Magician
Smith, Morton - Jesus the Magician: A renowned historian reveals how Jesus was viewed by people of his time
Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive: The Templar Revelation. Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Picknett, Lynn and Prince, Clive: The Masks of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups About the Life of Jesus
Richard A. Horsley - Jesus and Magic
Scott G. Brown: Mark’s Other Gospel: Rethinking Morton Smith’s Controversial Discovery (Studies in Christianity and Judaism)
Smith, Andrew Phillip - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History of the Mandaeans

"Waking up from the Matrix" about the soul-trap: https://bit.ly/3TTeroP
"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap: https://bit.ly/3ghTUZU
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers: https://bit.ly/3D0RDfl
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos: https://bit.ly/3xZLP24

WATCH a remote viewing project by Farsight Institute: " The Death Traps" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IC76QuH4pE

"The Templar Revelation" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett,-Clive-Prince---The-Templar-Revelation.-Secret-Guardians-of-the-Identity-of-Christ:f

"Jesus the Usurper" - https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett---Jesus-was-a-Usurper,-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9

!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Samsara-and-Rebirth:b

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