Vote Democrat if you support...

2 years ago

Vote Democrat if you support ( This crazy stupid stuff )
Sexualizing/grooming children. Here’s what I mean, public schools are bringing in drag queens( )and sexually explicit books( ), and the teachers union has a lot of control in the Democrat party.
If you support teachers and politicians( ), pushing the false narrative that children( )are mentally capable of choosing to pretend to be the opposite sex via chemical and or surgical means, and that just by saying you’re a woman or a man you actually become one because you believe you know what being the opposite sex feels ( )like. That there’s no difference between men and women and its ok to have boys in the girl’s locker room or bathroom, which has led to at least one case of rape( ).
If you support the false narrative that color( makes you inferior or superior, when all that really matters is character. Politicians and educators are pushing CRT nonsense on children, when far too many can’t read, write or do math at grade level.
If you support, the catch and release of criminals ( ) over justice for victims of crime ( ).
If you support mandates( ) that closed small businesses, but let big business with lobbyist stay open, forced people to take a vaccine in order to stay employed, all for a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate( ).
If you support higher cost for everything oil based, when Biden ( ) promised to end fossil fuels, he set into motion higher cost for everything related to oil, that includes, fertilizer, all plastics, transportation and heating, because commodities are traded on the futures market, having a government moving to put you out of business, scares away investors, and puts smaller companies out of business, which makes the item scarce and therefore more valuable and higher cost( ).
If you support open boarders, and treating illegal aliens better than American citizens( ), which brings cost up for tax payers, open boarders also increase the crimes of human trafficking, murder and drugs( ).
If you support abortion from 3 months to birth( ).
If you support the idea that, men can become women just by making a statement. This idea is harming women in prisons( ), among other places. It also makes a mockery of trans people, who do more than make a statement, and I think until you no longer have the primary sexual organs you were born with( )
, and you’re over 21, you aren’t trans, just a dude in a dress or a gal in a suit.
If you support the false narrative that blacks can’t get ID or plan to vote within the voting polls hours.
Thanks for watching, and if you like in the description, I have links for my merch shown here.
Here are my solutions to the nation’s problems
The key to the inflation situation is quite simple. First thing you do, is have Congress pass a rule our law that forbids any new restrictions on oil gas or any fossil fuels at this time for the next 40 years , this would give the futures market so lots of breathing room and bring all the drilling back of course second thing they have to do follow all the agreements for drilling that were made before Biden came it came to office, next thing go through the book government waste a through z and follow what they show as waste and get rid of it next thing remove all covid mandates , that means in the military private sector everywhere and lastly remove the ridiculous restrictions that California imposes on people picking up shipping containers from the port. We do these things we won't have to raise interest rates there's enough supply will be coming in so that the money will get absorbed over time so therefore we won't have excess supply and excess money and of course prices have come down so everything else will come down and energy will be cost less and people will be relaxed for at least 40 years that will be able to develop new energy sources like fusion authorium reactors or anything like that. I sent this to the bite administration but I don't think they're going to actually read it cuz nobody there seems like they can read because biting in my opinion is the scumbag in Chief.
BIDEN IS SCUMBAG IN CHIEF1 Classic T-Shirt by Curtis123xAlso add, that you'll push a law that no one under 21 can get chemical or surgical treatments to pretend to be the opposite sex ( ). As for social media( ), you'll push for this change to section 230, a person can only be banned or have the content removed after the platform, has stated, what they wrote or said, that was wrong, and exactly which rule or standard they broke, and the rules must be applied equally. ie, if someone threatens a conservative, it won't be ignored, unlike when someone threatens a leftist. Also push for a law, that demands, before anyone can vote on a bill, they have to read it, and anyone opposing the bill can question them on it, and if they can't answer questions about the bill, they can't vote on it. Also, pass a law that any federal agency or employee that allows illegal aliens to use resources, will be fired and imprisoned, also encourage states to do the same for state employees and all public workers, so no illegal aliens are allowed in schools, or welfare or any government program, private citizens hiring illegal aliens, will be subject to a $10,000 fine per alien working for them or renting from them, and the fine will be split with citizens reporting such activity. Add this to the plans you already have and I think it's a winner. Someone could also make some commercials, with cartel members, saying, thank you Democrats for opening the borders, refusing to help ICE, and letting our guys out of jail, with no bail. I have the perfect items,
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