Newt’s Final Election Predictions 3953

2 years ago

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Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup.

So, Beth and I voted today because we are working the polls on Tuesday. At 2 pm, the line to vote was about 75 people long, and that translated into a wait of about 40 minutes to vote.

Those stopping at the Republican tent to get their sample ballot outnumbered the bedraggled few under the Desperado tent by a least 10-to-1.

The suppression poll people are now trying to catch up as fast as they can, but they can’t seem to keep up with the skyrocketing popularity of Republicans across the nation.

Wayne Allyn Root had an interesting take on the situation:

“The final sad days of desperation and depression are setting in for Democrats. They know a disaster is upon them. They know this coming Tuesday is a “disaster-level-event” for the Democrat Party. 3953, th

Last night, Newt Gingrich appeared on Hannity to give his final predictions on Election 2022, and he also predicts devastating losses for the Desperados.


I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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