Wake Up America - Let's Rumble

2 years ago

I am looking for suggestions of rumble videos to share in a new book I plan to publish to help wake up Americans. Post a video that you believe that people that are still sleeping should watch so they can understand what is going on. Thanks for your support.

Who am I? Bruce Goldwell... I am an independent author and constitutional conservative. With no help from large publishers I am left to my own devices to promote my books and help teach people how to be successful in life and in business. I have self-help books on health and business and the law of attraction. My books for teens have law of attraction success principles embedded in the stories to help young readers learn how to deal with the challenges of life.

I want to use my talent as an author to help wake up people in America and believe that by publishing a book about rumble videos is a way that I can help save America.

Again thank you for your help and your support.



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