Analysis of Predators & Hunters from around the world - Ep #1 - Fleetwood Enforcers UK - 31/07/2022

2 years ago

***Sorry for the audio issues, as this is my first attempt at recording I need to adjust the audio levels for next time.***

This channel was created for educational purposes. I do not want or need to profit from these videos and quite frankly YouTube and advertisers do not want to associate with this type of content as it is very confrontational and sensitive topic and may trigger bad memories for survivors of abuse. Please remember that if you ever meet a survivor of abuse.

In this video I will analyse the behaviour and reactions of the predators to hopefully help other people identify any potential offenders that may affect the livelihood of the family and friends that they know.

I am by no means a professional clinical psychologist however I have been studying criminal and behavioural psychology for many years and personally am of the opinion that the more we learn about the behaviour of people, the more we can predict with reasonable accuracy the future behaviours of people both good and bad. If these videos can help others recognise negative and potential detrimental behaviours, that is all I need from this.

Please feel free to comment, however I would appreciate it if any comments take into account that this is a very serious topic with very real effects.

Discussion in the comments is encouraged because the more people involved in the discussion usually results in new ideas and positive outcomes so please keep it civil.

Thank you to all the teams that are involved in these stings, in this case Fleetwood Enforcers UK, your dedication is greatly appreciated and your results speak for themselves.

Lastly, as this is the first video I do explain things more than I may need to however that is because there may be some viewers who are unfamiliar with these types of stings and in future videos I will only point out certain personality traits and then refer people to this video for more of an explanation therefore not repeating myself in great detail.

This is a link to FEUK's facebook page, I wish to thank them for what they do and for giving me permission to post their content with my analysis.

Thank you for reading and watching, stay safe.

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