Military Behavioral Analyst Shares The Secrets To Making Great Hires

2 years ago

Working as a military behavioral analyst in the Canadian Armed Forces, Victoria Cluney has plenty to share about how personality and learned biases affect the things surrounding a persons’ life.

In this interview, Victoria highlights her many experiences working for the military for over 21 years as well as her real estate ventures. As CEO of Cluney Co. Investments, she shares how applying military psychology tricks to approaching real estate can help you achieve what you want.

Apart from studying for her Master’s degree in psychology, Victoria also coaches fellow real estate investors and other entrepreneurs in building a life of freedom.

Don’t Forget To Reach Out To Victoria Cluney:

Quotes -
“I naturally wanted to fight the injustice of that situation.”

“Tiny homes have become somewhat of a niche market. But a lot of people want to have that unity lifestyle. And I had an idea; I had a vision on how to turn this into a beautiful community.”

“My natural instinct is to fight. That’s who I am; I’m not offensive, but I’m incredibly defensive.”

“People get tunnel vision on these deals. But they don’t realize that around the corner, there’s another one.”

“At the end of the day, you need to have that standardization.”

“No test is perfect at the end of the day.”

“People fundamentally behave under stress.”

“Motivation comes and goes, but it’s very interesting [to understand] the underlying reasons people have.”

“To make an impact in the world, you have to be incredibly good with something.”

“Discipline is a choice you have to make. You have to decide if [doing it is worth it].”

“I would take the people who work the hardest over the strongest. You don’t have to be the sharpest tool in the [shed].”

“That’s where strength comes from–adversity. So when everything is so easy for you and you do hit adversity as an adult, sometimes it’s too late for you to have developed the skills and creativity to work through it.”

“If you can’t find [happiness and satisfaction] in your job, you might be able to find it out of your job.”

Concepts -

You have to learn to recognize red flags when dealing with transactions that can put you in danger no matter how good the deal is.
Being in a tough situation can help you learn important skills and how to be resilient.
Learn how to choose your own battles.
Having an abundance mindset can help you realize that there are plenty of great deals out there.
Removing biases in people can also be applied in real estate so that you can see the property and the deals for the standards you set.
Managing stress is an important skill to develop.
Discipline is a choice. If you want something done, see if it fits your beliefs and stand.
Searching for the right person for the job involves testing and proof of their abilities to meet the job requirements.
Selection involves more factors than just aptitude tests–you also have to look at other traits in a person including grit, attitude, and resilience.
Being hardworking surpasses being the strongest or the smartest person in the room.
Being faced with challenges helps you develop creativity and the necessary skills that’ll allow you to emerge from them.
Asking obscure questions can help you figure out someone’s personality.

Time Stamps -

0:00 Introduction
0:34 Tiny home crazy story
4:40 Finding this insane deal
7:00 Letting things go
8:55 Time in the Canadian military
11:25 Straying from bias
13:00 Need for standardization
15:25 Analyzing people
18:30 Measure differences in stress
21:00 Behavioral patterns and motivation
23:50 Discipline is a choice
26:40 Finding people that fit
28:28 Weighing aptitude and personality
31:00 Developing habits for discipline
33:39 Old school and new school of mentality
35:30 Identifying what fits for you
38:40 Looking at a different perspective
40:00 Having outlets for things you need
42:25 Putting together a team for real estate
44:40 Maintaining standards when dealing with people
46:40 We want to enjoy what we’re doing
47:20 Balancing personality and cultural fit
49:30 Biggest mistake in hiring
52:00 What questions should you ask?
54:00 Tim’s impulsiveness and happy-go-lucky personality
56:10 Removing biases in your life
58:40 Vision for the next 12 months
1:00:00 Authentic view on financial freedom

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Military Behavioral Analyst Shares The Secrets To Making Great Hires, economy, jeremy lefebvre, interest rate

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