Science CONFIRMS Noah’s Ark and the Flood!

2 years ago

Answers in Genesis is an amazing ministry. Almost 30 years ago, I saw Ken Ham at a homeschool conference in my area. Boom, I was a Christian but assumed the evolutionary ideas I was taught were okay. I already loved science.

So in our WORLD of FAKE NEWS and PSUDEO SCIENCES...we happily shred EVOLUTIONary lies. Evolution is a key component of End Time Deception.

Noah’s Ark and the Flood: Science Confirms the Bible
Dr. Georgia Purdom

Was Noah’s Flood global?
How big was the Ark?
How did Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?
Is there any evidence in rock layers and fossils for the Flood?

This presentation will equip you with biblical and scientific answers that show that the Genesis account of the Ark and Flood are true history.

Video Credit: Answers in Genesis

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