Nein Tutu: A Gambler Makes His Luck

2 years ago


The Arlington Public School Workers Union had just lost their bid to represent the workers of the world united, and then received the double boom from the elected Arlington Democrats on the Arlington Public School Board that they event staff were considered seasonal, part time workers, and, in thanks for their support during the pandemic, they would be losing their health benefits, causing a stream of almost two dozen to appear at the last Arlington Public School Board meeting, held on October 27, 2022.

For those who never watched On the Waterfront, the workers union represents the organized power of the people, a proletariat, and on September 22, 2022, exactly six years to the day after Defense Secretary General Lloyd Austin, III, had provided a statement to CBS News during a scandal in intelligence at CENTCOM, where he had served as commander, the union voice of the Arlington Public School employees were fighting, at least a half dozen strong at the meeting to retain their position as the voice of the working class in the public schools, while the Superintendent and Chairman stood up to provide a sermon about the modification in transgender policy being against their community values, and had vowed, unwaveringly, to defend and protect the LGBTQI community and their perceived right to personal pronouns, participation in athletics and use of restroom facilities, comparing it to the Civil Rights Movement.

However, on September 22, 2016, General Austin, then the history making first African American to ever command CENTCOM, had told CBS, "We can’t make good policy unless we have good, accurate, clear-eyed, hard-headed intelligence.” And, on September 22, 2022, six years to the day after that scandal, the Arlington Public School Board Superintendent, who holds a Doctor of Education from Columbia, had focused his priorities on galvanizing community support to comment at the online town hall regarding the transgender student policy modifications proposed by the Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin, while apparently not even the organizational forces of the union were aware of the publishing of a peer reviewed report in the Vaccines Journal regarding the serious adverse events associated with the COVID-19 countermeasures products that had been released under an emergency use authorization declaration, and prepared with no official knowledge of the infectious dose they were designed to defeat, making them at most efficacious, distinct from effective, and requiring a large sample size phase three clinical trial to test them for effectiveness, a bitter lesson learned in Provincetown in July 2021, one month before the FDA approval and one month after Pride Month, finding over a thousand gay men, fully vaccinated, infected in breakthrough infections, and beginning the discussions about booster shots. If, at first you don't succeed?

Political advertising is just that: advertising. And, according to the advertising, you need to vote like democracy depends upon it, but your vaccines, promoted by your elected represented have at least a 16% associated risk of serious adverse events, and over 33% for the one-shot regimen. And you are of majority age, eligible to vote like an adult.

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