The unlucky Roman Emperor who was struck by lightning before conquering Persia.

2 years ago

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What if I told you that there was a roman emperor who was about to successfully defeat Persia, but before being able to achieve his goal, he was struck by lightning. What at first sounds like a weird joke, did happen according to some ancient sources. Carus became emperor in 282 AD, so after the legendary emperor Probus had managed to decisively defeat the germanic invaders and thus to restore the borders of the empire in the West and North. But the problem of Persia still remained, and so Carus set out with a large army, taking his son Numerian with him on this giant expedition to the east. It had been only 22 years earlier that the Romans suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Persians, where their emperor Valerian had been captured. But Carus proved to be a much better general than Valerian, and he actually managed to penetrate deep into the Persian heartland, with some sources stating that he even captured the Persian capital Ctesiphon. He defeated the Persian army in some skirmishes and even received the title Persicus Maximus. But, before being able to finalize his conquest by possibly making Mesopotamia again a roman province as in the days of Trajan, the unthinkable happened: The emperor was struck by lightning. This was taken as a bad omen and the persian expedition was thus aborted, shortly before achieving total victory. We see that sometimes bad luck can alter the course of history.

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