Tool Review: iGagingĀ® Bandsaw Companion

2 years ago

A nicely set up bandsaw is a delight to use. But if the saw isnā€™t tuned well, including having the miter slots parallel to the side of the blade, itā€™s going to be difficult to get accurate cuts. The Bandsaw Companion from iGaging Tools is simple and effective for this critical adjustment!

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I really enjoy our bandsaw. Itā€™s an older GrizzlyĀ® model, made in 1998. Iā€™ve done some upgrades to it, including putting a stronger spring, better guide blocks, a link drive belt, urethane tires, and a task light. The table has also been polished and waxed. Itā€™s fun to work on a tool that youā€™ve made even better!

Even with those enhancements, getting a precise setup, where the table miter slots are truly parallel to the side of the blade, has been a hassle though. The solution has been the iGaging Bandsaw Companion.

I have to give credit where credit is due though. I saw the tool reviewed by Roland Johnson in a recent issue of Fine Woodworking. Rolandā€™s review piqued my interest enough to buy one. Iā€™m glad I did. The purchase was a moderate investment - about $30.

The tool is simplicity itself. Made of anodized aluminum, and finished in iGagingā€™s signature blue, the gauge is essentially a 12ā€ ruler (itā€™s available in metric as well) with 1ā€ increments etched on the face. In the middle of the bar, there is a recessed area with 4 rare-earth magnets beside the recess. By using a properly installed and tensioned Ā½ā€ (12 mm) wide blade and affixing the bar with the magnets to the side of the blade (the teeth, with their side-to-side set going in the groove), the plane of the bladeā€™s side is extended 6ā€ (15 cm) in front and back of the blade.

This provides reference points to measure the distance to the edge of the miter slots in the machineā€™s table. By loosening the adjustment bolts under the table, adjusting the table until the blade and miter gauge sides are parallel, and retightening, you now will get precise cuts at the right angle when using a properly adjusted miter gauge.

This also provides another important reference point to allow you to set your fence parallel to the blade by setting it parallel to the miter gauge slots as well. This greatly reduces and even eliminates blade drift when using the fence for rip cuts.

The Bandsaw Companion comes with an adjustable guide that allows you to create a hook ruler set to the length you desire. There are holes drilled on the main measurement lines, so you can use this as a compass as well. Nice extras!

The iGaging Tool Company began in the machine shop setup tools segment. As interest in woodworking has increased, there have been more calls for preciseness in the wood shop as well. Many of the tools the iGaging offers had their genesis in metalwork. They have now developed a robust line of woodworking tools and have plans to offer more.

iGaging Tools are available at many woodworking retailers and websites including Rockler, Woodcraft, Woodsmith Store, Highland Hardware, and Infinity Tools.

For a complete list of sources, as well as to see the wide range of tools iGaging offers for many trade areas, visit

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