An EDC Hard Hat? The Ergodyne Skullerz Bump Cap

2 years ago

So, maybe you live in a city where brick, sticks, and bike locks are frequently swinging through the air, and you are wondering if there is a way to protect your head without wearing a helmet all the time. Well, maybe. A bump cap is a great option for folks who work (or live) in places where they might need a little head protection. And if you don't need the protection, then a bump cap is great for keeping your sweaty hats...hat shaped...after you wash them.

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Factor 85 Labs is about sharing the things I enjoy, in a practical way that works for dads and families. Every day is an experiment, and I am sharing what I am learning about practical ways to balance my interests and hobbies with the ever-changing life of a dad with small kids. DIY, EDC, cooking, reviews, first aid, whatever the day brings, I figure out what I think is a practical approach, and share that with you.

Everything presented in this video and on this channel is for entertainment purposes, are my opinions, and should not be taken as advice or directions. Use your own discretion, be responsible, be safe, handle tools according to manufacturers' directions, talk to your doctor for medical advice, etc.......

#Factor85Labs #Ergodyne #BumpCap

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