Explaining Salvation - Part 2: The New Man is Justified

2 years ago

#ExplainingSalvation #justified #thenewman #thenewcreature #thebodyofChrist #theoldman

Welcome to This Week in the Word!

My mission is to encourage people to seek God through reading his word.

This weeks study: Explaining Salvation - Part 2: The New Man is Justified

This week we are going to shift our focus from "how to be born again" to explain what happens at salvation.

We are saved by Jesus's faith, not our faith in jesus. Jesus did all the work to make a way for salvation. Jesus's way is the only way.

Through Jesus's faith all who believe are reconciled to Jesus the moment they believe. Those believers are now in The Body of Christ, and will be his agents he uses to reconcile all things in heaven. The jews are Jesus's agent to reconcile all things in earth unto him.

So far we discussed the salvation event(s) of: the circumcision without hand, where we receive a spiritual circumcision that removes our spirit from our body and seats us in heavenly places. This event is closely tied to our Justification. We are justified by God the moment we believe in our salvation. The "old man" is condemned to death, and we are made a "new man" as a new creature which is what the Bible calls the Body of Christ.

#OSAS #OnceSavedAlwaysSaved #notbyworks #savedbygrace #bygracethroughfaith #faithvsbelief #doctrinematters

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