Mike Naig - Biden Admin Push Towards Electric Vehicles Relies on Costly Battery Parts from China

2 years ago

Sunday, October 30, 2022 at the Terrace Hills Golf Course Kim Reynolds and her Republican team’s bus tour stopped in Altoona to speak to voters in the area with only 9 days until the November midterm elections.

Candidate for Secretary of State running against John Norwood, Mike Naig was one of the speakers. Mike states "We can see right now that Iowa is on the right track. Right? But our country is absolutely at a crossroads. We are seeing what Conservative leadership results in compared to blue states and Washington D.C. You know budget right? We're balancing budgets here. We're cutting taxes. In D.C., I'm not sure there's a tax that Joe Biden, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer wouldn't raise. Jeff, I don't know. Seems like they love them all, and the concept of a foreign budget is a foreign concept. In Iowa, we are making it easier to pass a farm or a business to the next generation. In D.C. they are making it harder by design. "

Naig continues to talk about energy policies "And you're hearing all about energy policy. And maybe there is no clearer example of the right track/wrong track that we're seeing in this country, when we have worked for decades to free ourselves from dependence on foreign sources of oil by exploring domestically, by investing in renewable energy, and now as if becoming dependent on foreign sources of oil again isn't bad enough... What's the answer from the Biden administration? It's to force you to buy an electric vehicle, making us more dependent on foreign sources of battery parts and friends where do those battery parts come from?"

"China" the crowd responds.

"And what are the chances that they are gonna be fair with us in the long run? It's silly." Naig argues.

Naig continues “There's Democrats running in Iowa...That I don't think they like Iowa that much. I think they are embarrassed of our state. I don't know...Do you want to be more like California, Illinois, or New York or are you proud to live in the state of Iowa?”

Speakers included:

Kim Reynolds - Governor of Iowa: https://reynoldsgregg.com/
Zach Nunn – US Congress Candidate: https://zachnunn.com/
Mike Naig - Iowa Secretary of Agriculture: https://www.mikenaig.com/meetmike
Mark Weatherly – Iowa House District 39 Candidate: https://www.weatherlyforiowa.com/
Brenna Bird – Republican Iowa Attorney General Candidate: https://birdforiowa.com/
Charles Grassley – President Pro Tempore & Iowa Senator: https://www.grassley.senate.gov/
Adam Gregg – Iowa Lieutenant Governor: https://ballotpedia.org/Lieutenant_Governor_of_Iowa

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