2 years ago

Montel talks with Salvador Santana on this episode of Let’s Be Blunt with Montel. Salvador is a renowned producer, songwriter and musician who has attained global acclaim for founding multiple bands and headlining events around the world, adding to his list of accolades a Grammy at age 16.

The son of guitarist Carlos Santana plays keyboards and his band plays a mix of hip-hop, jazz, rock, Latin and world music.
Salvador Santana’s artistic chops are colored by-and a continuation of-his family’s legacy. Salvador’s maternal grandfather was an African-American blues pioneer, tenor and guitar legend Saunders King, his paternal grandfather is celebrated violinist and mariachi bandleader Jose Santana, and his father is 10-time Grammy-winning Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Carlos Santana.

Salvador grew to understand the medical and spiritual benefits of cannabis, learning about and experiencing first hand the wide range of positive, natural effects of cannabis, in all of its forms, and is a passionate advocate.

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