[세비라] 심프슨 부인이 쫓겨날 수밖에 없었던 이유

2 years ago

[세상의 비밀을 들려주는 라디오]
후원 계좌: KEB 하나은행 298-810284-72907 (신항식)

# Rumble 채널명
Hangsik - https://rumble.com/account/content?ty...

-‘Coffee with Hitler review: how naïve 1930s Brits tried to civilise the Nazis’, The Telegraph, Aug. 28 2022
- Morton A. (2015), 17 Carnations: The Windsors, The Nazis and The Cover-Up, UK: Michael O'Mara Books Ltd
-Crowley A. (1910), The World’s Tragedy, USA: Ordo Templi Orientis. http://hermetic.com/crowley/worlds-tragedy/sodomy.html
-Crompton, L. (2003), Homosexuality and Civilization, USA: Belknap
- Ziegler P. (1991), King Edward VIII, USA: Alfred A. Knopf
- Middlemas, K & Barnes A. L. (1970). Baldwin: A Biography. UK: Macmillan.
-‘Baldwin’s secret visit to Buckingham Palace’, The National Archives, CAB 23/86. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/
-Lowe N. (1989), Mastering Modern British History, 2nd ed. UK: Macmillan
-Aitken M. (1966), The Abdication of King Edward VIII, USA: Athenum
-Weinberg G. L. (2010), The Road to World War II, USA: Enigma Books
-Weinberg G. L. (1985), Hitler and England, 1933-1945
-Phillips A. (2016), The King Who Had to Go, UK: Biteback Publishing
-Blackshirt policy, 184, Sep. 2, 1939
-The Times, Dec. 9 1936
- Express, Sep 12, 2009
- Express, Feb. 20 2008.
- The Guardian, Jul. 20, 2015
-The Times, Dec. 13 2007,
-The Times, Dec. 13 2007
-The Guardian, Dec. 8 2002
-The Observer. Nov. 30 2002
-The Telegraph, 7 Jun 2008
-The Telegraph, Nov. 15 2009
-‘Peace Ballot’, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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