Foss Fun Wednesday 17: Steam Day, All the Valve News You Could Want

2 years ago

Tech Freedom:
FFW 17.1: New EA App in Proton Experimental
No more Origin launcher for EA titles? Won’t be a problem for too much longer... There will soon be a new EA launcher for titles like Jedi: Fallen Order and the like. Valve is working on the issue, and it is in Proton Experimental. Want to know how to use it?
Right Click on a game
Click properties
Click Compatibility
Pick Proton Experimental from the drop down, then reload the game.

#FFW #fossfun #steam #proton #EA #TechFreedom

Not scripture, but a quote from The Angelic Doctor, St. Anselm himself. No matter what happens, we need to praise the Lord. This could look like what we typically think of as praise and thanks, but it could also include laments. Laments are somewhat foreign in most mainstream churches in America today, but we need to embrace them rather than simply ignore horrible things in our lives because they don’t look as glorious as we might want them to. If your life doesn’t look like an instagram post, don’t worry. Lament, cry out to God for answers, allow yourself to feel those things, then praise your way through.

#FFW #fossfun #Linux #memesplanation #Anselm #praise #lament #TechFreedom

FFW 17.2: New Verified and Playable Titles for Proton
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves
First time to PC for this long-time series, possibly interesting, if I had time and other resources to try out new games...
Serial Cleaners
Mob-related crime scene cleaners in NYC, stealth game where you cover up crimes for the mob.
Stylized pixel art shooter, with a supernatural theme
Minecraft goes Railroad tycoon
Persona 5 Royal
Heist centered noir-RPG
Anger Foot
Quick reaction based FPS, reminds me of Apex, if you put Apex into Sin City

#FFW #fossfun #Steam #Linuxgaming #TechFreedom

Freed Computer

#freedcomputer #linux #nospying #safe #TechFreedom

FFW 17.3: Steam Now In ChromeOS Beta
If you have a Chromebook that is reasonably powerful, you should be able to play some games on it now, if you install the Steam package.

These classes of CPU are now supported:
Ryzen 5000 C-Series processors
Intel 12th Gen Core processors

Now has iniital DX12 support
Vulkan 1.3 support
And much much more
Cool stuff, here, if you have a Chromebook.

#FFW #fossfun #Steam #ChromeOS #Google #progress #TechFreedom

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