All Lives Matter To GOD (30.5)

2 years ago

AllLivesMatterToGOD (30.5) Dream For Liberty Under GOD
All lives Matter, throughout the World, to call out like Jonah to bring new souls into the Kingdom of GOD. Jesus will reign here in earth for 1000 years. Be wise to know you are not wise and need to learn a lot. Let us learn from each other, and I suggest you see “The Chosen” the movie series out about Jesus, “40 Days with Jesus” by Amanda Jenkins, Kristen Hendricks & Dallas Jenkins. I quote a poem of mine: Who Can Crush This Babbling Tower? There's connection I have to various dates 2/14 and 1956, and I share what my prayers are to GOD, and how a father/ mother teach GOD HIS WORD. You need to work out with GOD to grow in HIs Spirit. Don’t stick you talent in the ground and do nothing with what GOD gave you. Show Him how happy you are he put you here. You will get a new name when you are born again. Calasia Is called to call people from Babylon to Jerusalem, to be saved in Jesus' name. Let us mix Jesus by the Holy Spirit with all cultures. I share how God's people failed GOD and got involved in idolatry... such a shame. Let us make a crown for Jesus so he can become our King on earth. Let us stop these Baal worshipers who serve Satan. Do not Blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Repent! I pray for all listening.

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