Oh the abundance… What does White Pine offer?

2 years ago

#herbalism #homesteading #foraging
Come forage with us and learn a little something about white pine- Pinus strobus!

📚Herbal Books- https://a.co/b6CQKIm

❄️Order your own Freeze Dryer from Harvest Right: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1243.html

✨Future Workshops and Herbal Consultations-

🛍 Our Etsy Store- https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheHoneystead

Shop My Amazon:

Wanna Send Us Love-
The Honeystead
PO Box 178
Bentonville, VA 22610

Email Me:

For workshops and Herbal consultations - www.thehoneystead.com

Gear: Canon EOS 80D with Rode mic
Gear: Sony zv-1
Editing App: iMovie

Music From Epidemic Sound- https://www.epidemicsound.com
Song- Fast Shoes By: Headlund
Song- No Broken Windows By: Headlund
Song- Not Afraid to Stay By: Headlund

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