The Maker Dao Event | $688M of BTC | Time to Fight Back #makerdao #ethereum

1 year ago


Let’s Try This Again.

It is our belief that Celsius Network’s Chapter 11 filings were by design, in that the principal shareholder Alex Mashinsky intentionally drove the company into a shareholder—protected legal process. Further, that 1 of perhaps several large contributing components leading to their filings and supposed financial distress is what we’ve termed “The Maker Dao Event.”

Where is the proof you ask?
There is no verification until we see if the supposed $688M of “realized losses” were reported in the internal financials of Celsius Network. If not, chalk this whole event up to terrible reporting by the Defiant who has refused to provide us with a loss breakdown and any statement regarding their two articles on the event (reports available on site, URL below).

For more information, go to the following URL:

Here you can:
• View what we believe are the defining moments that compose the Celsius Network Timeline
• View Items #1-3, each pointing to potential criminality and ID’ing specific source documentation required to validate or at least get closer to validating the potential criminality act(s).
o Anonymously upload the requested source documentation
o Help us clarify points #1-3, introduce us to individuals who may be able to provide us with the info, refine the legal questions, add additional defining moments to our timeline, etc.
• Effectively, this is a crowdsourcing effort to determine which potential points of criminality (and we only chose to focus on 3… there are numerous others) if any occurred by Celsius Network.

As we did with the Maker Dao Event, as credible and verifiable source documentation comes in, we will follow up with the court Examiner (former US DA) to ensure all verifiable sources of potential criminality are fully investigated.

In short… we would collectively help remind people of the blockchain/crypto ethos… and this is profound relative to consumer adoption, VC inflows into emergent tech, regulatory response to CeFi, and dispute resolution more broadly. This would in time lift all boats around the world and that it not hyperbole.

We are in precedent-setting territory, everyone. Let’s set the proper precedent while we still have the chance.

Subscribe to our YT channel and do the notification thing to stay updated. We’ll release videos on this subject as often as it makes sense to do so and will be meeting with other individuals with channels covering the Celsius hearings to do a deeper dive for you in the weeks ahead of how our activities are shaping up for (perhaps) a community-lead reorg.

How can you help? Share This Message… that’s all we ask.

Share this message and @ everyone relevant to the case and the investigation. Make sure to @ the mainstream media as well, both broadcast and publication (NY-based, pls… since Mike can walk there). If we get both this event as well as the good faith effort currently in motion to unify the once divided groups and submit a winning bid that yields the most just and positive outcome for those harmed by Celsius Network as a whole… we believe our chance of winning trumps other bids that may be equal in value but empty in purpose (thus, won’t have the support of the public). Doing what is right while others are acting in pure self-interest has the tendency to win Hearts and Minds… and it’s essential to win the Hearts and Minds of the broader public… well-beyond those in the crypto sphere. That or we get picked off in the dark.

So, Kindly Share & Bring This Event Into The Light.


- Citizen Warrior Foundation

#makerdao #btc #wbtc #celsius #blockchain #ethereum #cryptonews #cryptocurrency

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