Military, flights, (seeking info)

2 years ago

I strongly suggest you check out
QNewsPatriot the latest post on Rumble. I gave you a tiny taste here.
He has some great insight.
There have been hundreds of military aircraft over our heads. I’ve seen some with my own eyes. There have been many foreign military over our heads. As QNewsPatriot talks about.
It’s difficult for me to pull together enough proven facts to convince anyone out of the loop of Q or Faith. But it has been a red October. It has been going down. We will be vindicated soon. For all we have put forth. For those who chose to use the word (hopium.) your no better than those who say conspiracy theory.
Both those terms are known to me as
God Wins. Truth prevails.
I hope those who know. Get something from this. I will continue to dig up anything I can find.

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