Healthy vs Toxic Doctor Patient Relationship | I Learned This The HARD Way: Finding a 'Good' Doctor

2 years ago

After going through a number of health issues including hormone imbalance, hypothyroidism, melanomas, and more, I have had my fair share of experience with doctors.

One could even call me a doctor connoisseur. I’ve been the good, the bad and the ugly, so here are my tips.

But please, remember: doctors are gods and everything they say is right. Understand that they are people just like us, potentially flawed and definitely capable of making mistakes. Their word is not the gold standard. Take everything a doctor says as a suggestion or opinion, never fact.

00:35 Nature of a Healthy Doctor-Patient Relationship: Doctors are not Gods

00:40 What To Do When You Get a Diagnosis That You Don’t Agree With + My Story: How I Found ‘Good Doctors’

01:36 How To Find Out If You’re Relationship With Your Doctor Is Healthy or Toxic

03:37 How to Know if The Doctor/Practitioner Actually Cares

04:26 How NOT to Find a Good Doctor

04:40 How To Actually Find a Good Doctor

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