How To Forgive Someone || Figuring Out The Cost/Payoff For Holding Onto The Pain and Regret

2 years ago

#howtoforgivesomeone #howtoforgive #ShayoliHope

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How to forgive someone! This was the big block in my road for soooo long!

It’s something I geek out about now because there is a very specific mindset that God taught me that empowers me to teach people how to forgive, and to help healers help guide others to receiving the manifestation of forgiveness for themselves.

In this video we are zooming in on the step in one tool that I like to use to help people analyze what’s going on.

This simple breakthrough technique asks you or the person you’re supporting, to logically analyze the emotion as they feel into it.

The question in this step goes to the cost or payoff that you get from holding onto this pain, regret, embarrassment, etc.

What is the cost of this?!

It always comes back to something that holds them back somehow, and adds to the cyclical pain.

How to forgive someone comes down to giving meanings an accurate name… like “I’m unlovable” and then taking responsibility for redefining the experience to mean something that no longer does damage to your heart.
I call it “redefining reality” and it made all the difference for me, and it changes lives every time I walk someone through my process.

I hope this process helps you help yourself and so many others!

My “21 Day Redefine and Forgive Experience” lays a detailed foundation of the process I use to help me prepare for this simple breakthrough technique.

Why? Because my injured body needs me. The actual me. To validate and love it through the shift that we are both responsible for creating and embracing as a team.

My body trusts me now.

My hope is that you will help your body trust you to lead it to healing too. (And of course, help others do the same.)

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