2 years ago

Prophetic VISION:
I saw a bunch of the remnant walking thru the Sahara Desert in a MEGA sandstorm, literally with sand hitting their faces- and I could see that it hurt them on their faces because the witchcraft/sand was so thick when it was blowing. Meaning: the THICK witchcraft you are experiencing at present is the fight in the heavenlies between the occult and God in you.
The witchcraft has released Jezebel/Leviathan upon the church to get less mature leaders/followers to work against one another through Planetary/Cosmos/Zodiac magic/spells (through MACRO/MICRO) spells, everything that you see on a natural level (Federally) is how the enemy is hitting TRUE Christians on a spiritual level. So those sheep caught up in the SAME pride of LEVIATHAN are only exhibiting the spiritual spells released through witchcraft on all 7 mountains. But it’s the HUMBLE in heart that will see God…..not the prideful or those thinking they know more than God!
As we enter into the final phase of Gods heart for the year (C4) we are going to be experiencing unusual fatigue because of what the Lord is doing in America at present. REMEMBER: YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY for good/ or for evil…and the enemy is a legalist and hence its important for you to keep your focus as best you can so you don’t give Satan a legal right to hit you. The warfare is REALLY impacting A LOT of people right now and the only way to fight it is to get deliverance from it , OR from the things that you struggle with in order to keep climbing. So if you find yourself stuck in old thought patterns, or evil ways of thinking behaving….if you KEEP going down those roads continuing to justify your evil hearts…its only drawing you FURTHER AND FURTHER away from kingdom. Its because we are in a different season. So this season God is requiring HIS TRUE remnant to “WALK THEIR WALKS- and not just TALK A TALK!”
Because THIS SEASON- THIS C4- while we are walking through our desert experiences- where its very hard to hear/see spiritually, God is saying: “Your feelings/ 5 Fold giftings have NOTHING to do with your faith. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING….THIS IS A SEASON to where we are BEING CALLED TO TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD! ONLY! God is a God that can’t lie- which tells me that He has got the body in a TEST! A test to where we are being tested to see how much we trust HIM! NO MATTER WHAT!

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