Professor Perrone - European Parliament Conference Strasbourg - covid vaccine injury and Plandemic

2 years ago

Further to my previous post yesterday of MEP Christine Anderson - here is the part where Prof Perronne gives his presentation.

On October 20th this year a conference was convened at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to discuss the injurious effects of the covid vaccines, the pandemic and the lies that have been told to all of humanity about it.

Along with a panel of MEPs, the lead speaker, eminent pathologist Professor Christian Perronne, gives his presentation and thoughts as to what has been perpetrated in the last two and half years regarding covid.

Christian Perronne (born March 19, 1955 in Angers, Maine-et-Loire) is a French physician and university professor. He specializes in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was President of the Specialized Commission "Communicable Diseases" of the High Council of Public Health.

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