DC Universe Online : Ally / Feat UI

2 years ago

Taking a first look and UX pass at a couple of new UI updates using a control pad. The current Ally menus unnecessarily display information on more than 1 "page/tab" and also don't have the stats in a user-friendly location. The current feat listings are also inefficient to scroll through. Let's see if the updates improve these quality of life issues:

0:00 - Swapping
3:50 - Leveling Up
8:07 - Instance Feats

*** Test Server Stuff ***
About (https://dcuniverseonline.fandom.com/wiki/Test_Server)
Fast Install (https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/test-server-install-fast-method.262010/)
Vendors / Helpers (https://youtu.be/YaZSnAHoeUE)


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Shadowdragon Media Blog (https://shadowdragonmedia.blogspot.com/)

*** Gaming Equipment ***
Asus VZ279H Frameless 27" LCD
Logitech Gamepad F310
CM Storm Inferno - Twin Laser MMO Gaming Mouse
Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard
JBL Creature III


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