Was Nancy Pelosi Arrested or is this just Wishful Thinking?

2 years ago

In an age of a 2nd American Coup instigated during Henry Kissinger's life-time we've also become aware of Nancy Pelosi's, infamous, Wrap Up Smears.

Pelosi's post Jim Jones tactic preceded her highly anticipated Jan 6th debacle which was captured on film by her cinematographer Daughter who felt safe enough to attend the Capital Building even after her mother Refused to Bring In Ample Security or the National Guard until after the FBI added "event" unfolded.

Today, it is difficult to tell if this Nancy Pelosi Arrested Video is a Hoax or Real, as it might, indeed, be a foretold "Deep Fake" posted on Telegram on November 3, 2022.

The timing of this, so called, arrest video is as suspect as her Husband's recent attack in the Pelosi home that would, otherwise, be heavily guarded at the Taxpayer's expense.

By way of security detail omission, I feel the Pelosi attack may have been a False Flag Event devised in time to Tar and Feather President Donald J. Trump supporters, nationwide, just ahead of the Mid Term Elections which are slated to become a virtual Red Tsunami if our Votes are not Stolen with the help of Mark Zuckerman's ilk, once again.

Regardless of a fake or not, it is important for every American to realize hidden handed Oligarchs have effectively Usurped our Nation from within, and with the help of America's tyrannical subversives, they are using their Hagalian Dialectic ploys, False Flag Events, Game Theory and NUDGE Brain Science in an unprecedented new form of Asymmetrical Warfare now underway completely unfettered.

America is now under siege by way of Sir Ronald Cohen's openly declared SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION, where Socially IMPACTFUL narratives are key to the Suppuration of this, purposefully distracted, nation.


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