Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of All Saints...1st November 2022 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication produced by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of All Saints, Holy Day of Obligation in the true Roman Catholic Church...1st November 2022 AD

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of All Saints...1st November 2022 AD...the Holy Day of Obligation it is today, when the Feast of All Saints is celebrated, which is giving the honor by the Holy Mother the true Roman Catholic Church to all the true Catholic souls who have been made Saints by God and declared as such by the Authority of the Catholic Church, so that therefore this same Feast is today reverenced in the true Catholic world as the main Feast by which the Church honors God in His Saints in Heaven, by whom the Church obtains the most necessary intersession in Heaven with God, so that those who obtain it may be the more grateful to Our Lord for providing the Saintly souls which are now helping the Church Militant on Earth to continue Her Divine mission of salvation of souls, offering up the true daily Sacrifice to God of propitiation, in the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which merit and sacred result cannot be obtained and conferred by the heretics nor apostates nor infidels of any kind. Thus it is impossible to honor God in any other way but by being truly Catholic, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and to ask for the intersession of all Saints in Heaven, with God, by their eternal reward and honor with Him...


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