Urgent message for Andrew Tate! No religion can save you. Only Christ saves!

2 years ago

This is a message for Andrew Tate and anyone who follows him. Recently Andrew accepted Islam as the only true religion and he has a great deal of influence over man young men who seek a true manly role model. No religion, including Islam can save you. All religions are of the devil who is a master deceiver since our creation. Muslims may follow their book, the Quran but they do not follow God's ( YHWH's) scripture and commandments and their book is false and Sharia law is contrary to YHWH's Torah. Jesus Christ ( Yahshua Ha Mashiach) is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Jesus. YHWH did not create religion, he made a covenant with a chosen people and gave them laws and commandments to follow. A covenant is a marriage contract. Islam does not understand this. We have all broken his laws and we are all worthy of spiritual death but Jesus paid our debts with his blood so we could have eternal life in his kingdom. Only Jesus can save you. No man or religion can save you. If you need help understanding the proper interpretation of scripture I can recommend the following Teacher and ministry which I also follow. Read the bible and then read the Quran and you will see that the Quran does not agree with what the bible says.

Teacher/Pastor Eric Robinson



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