WTF episode 8 - Why the COVID case numbers have never been correct from the start.

2 years ago

11 May 2022 - First published on youtube.

Inconclusive and unavailable were marked as positive right from the start.

This was the moment I woke up. Why? Why not just leave them as is? Why not give us the true numbers.

Some people argued that this meant that they were more than likely they would turn out to be positive. My argument is that it's still fraud. It is still a lie.

My suspicions were even heightened when I realised what "unavailable" was. Friends of mine went to get tested but because they were in the queue more than an hour they left. They were then called two days later and told they were positive. Positive without ever being tested.

That's for being "unavailable". Finally I understood what unavailable meant. You don't show up for your test appointment and you are automatically diagnosed as being unavailable.

I'm sure they did it all to "err on the side of caution" or "it's a mistake and they will fix it later" as a couple of people tried to convince me.

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