Burglar Shot In The Butt By Armed Ohio Homeowner

2 years ago

Defensive gun Use

An Burglar who attempted to break into a Park Avenue home was shot in the buttocks by an older armed homeowner, according to the police.

After a brief search by a K-9, Franklin police were able to locate the culprit, who was hiding in a shed not far from the victim's home. 

Following the incident that was reported about 3:25 a.m., he was brought into jail, according to police.

The 36 year old culprit of Franklin, Ohio was brought to Atrium Medical Center in Middletown for a non-life-threatening buttocks injury. 

After being freed for a while, he was returned to the Franklin Police Department.

In the end, crime will always bite you in the a$$ as is the case here where the Armed homeowner literally put a cap in his a$$

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