medical ethics &code of conducts were violated by the medical establishment,scientists, SAGE group

1 year ago

1. We all have been through extremely difficult time past 3 years. Public were threatened with the fear of dying from the corona virus and to justify lockdown, closure of borders & extraordinary restrictions and fear in public on 23/3/2033 followed by roll out of unlicensed and experimental mRNA vaccine by end of 2020 resulting serious damages & injuries to public health & wellbeing .
1.Public coerced to take experimental, unlicensed mandatory vaccine without informed consent in order to win their freedom & liberty which is against the medical ethics,fundamental human rights & civil liberties resulting serious harm & injuries to millions of people within U.K. & across the world .
2.I alarmed the bell in march-April 2020 when I was crucified with dismissal & suspension from my job from my Trust followed by prolonged suspension order by the General Medical council without any advice, show cause or disciplinary notice for speaking the truth against lockdown , undue restrictions on public & forcible vaccination mandate.
3.I follow my medical ethics
1.Hippocratic oath - “First do no harm “
2.Nuremberg Code “ Fully informed consent”
3.Geneva declaration, “ I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights & civil liberties “.
4.Helsinkis Declaration, “ imposed obligation on the scientists & health professionals to follow ethical code of conduct in taking fully informed consent & formal approval from the ethical committee before commencing any medication or bodily experimentation on the human subjects “
5.Unfortunately these mandatory principles of medical ethics & code of conducts were seriously violated by the medical establishment ,its scientists, SAGE group & regulator in the last 2.5 years. I March 2020 I warned about piling up of waiting lists of patients which exceeding 4 million including 1.5 millions of cancer patients in March 2020 which has now jumped up to 10 millions patients which I don’t think NHS has any plans to clear it off . Rather public is being forced towards privatisation because of the long delay & planned medical health insurance like USA, Canada , Australia & other countries . Future of MHS is bleak to me. But Mind it NHS is totally sponsored by the tax payer’s money in U.K. and is not sponsored by the federal government and there will be a serious back lash and civil unrest if public are deprived off their fundamental rights.
8.In early 2020 I warned about the cashless society & digital currency which is slowly progressing towards that direction to gain control on the public money.
9.I did warn about the digital tagging , beast marks and credit scoring system for the public to apply for jobs , business & day to day working .
10.I clearly said in early 2020 that it’s a global agenda to make one world order to follow across the world which has already been imposed on the public with the same pattern of control everywhere in the world .
11.This is a wake up call for 7.8 billion people across the world to stand up , brush up your dust and get United at one platform to stop this planned heinous crime against the humanity. Our fundamental human rights , freedom and civil liberties are our birth rights which should not be sabotaged by these crooks for your next generation before it’s too late.
You have the power and strength so do not underestimate yourself . Remember no power on earth can withstand , resist and undue power of the public . We all are born free and single by nature and no power on earth can dictate us. Your determinations bring your success, stand for your fundamental rights , freedom & liberty.
Dr Mohammad I Adil

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